FAU Lab Schools Teacher Research

Studio Sessions – Year Two
This project aims to investigate the benefits of creative expression in an after-school club called Studio Sessions. Benefits may include reduced stress and increased feelings of sense of belonging with school/classmates.
Student Self-Efficacy: Learning Math with Visual/Kinesthetic Tools
The purpose of the study is to determine to what extent note taking through visual or graphic with a kinesthetic integration have on students’ self-efficacy of third grade level math concepts.
Logic and Reasoning in Middle School Debate
We noticed a trend in our speech and debate classes when students struggled to choose articles to analyze for current event assignments. Our students lack the knowledge of how to identify bias and logical fallacies in sources.
Studio Sessions
Our research investigates the benefits of creative expression in an after-school club called Studio Sessions. Our student population is stressed due to academic and personal pressures. Students do not have school-sponsored creative outlets.
Science Through Art: The Impact of Art Projects on Depth of Knowledge of Science Topics
Educational communities have recognized the importance of presenting information in varying modalities to reach all types of learners. Science through Art provides an opportunity to study the impact of using creative, hands-on process art to learn about the world.
The Impact of Fraction Manipulatives on 5th Grade Students' Confidence and Math Skills
Having a deep understanding of fractions beginning in grade five is crucial for future success in mathematics, specifically algebra. Recent studies show that 42% of sixth grade students fail to understand fraction concepts.