FAU Lab Schools Teacher Research
There is a gap between faculty willingness to hold online STEM laboratory courses and student demand for high-quality online instruction.
This project aims to investigate the benefits of creative expression in an after-school club called Studio Sessions. Benefits may include reduced stress and increased feelings of sense of belonging with school/classmates.
Our research investigates the benefits of creative expression in an after-school club called Studio Sessions. Our student population is stressed due to academic and personal pressures. Students do not have school-sponsored creative outlets.
This research aims to create a cross-age scientific curricular experience program model, also known as the S.T.A.R. (Student Talent Ambassadors for Results) program, that utilizes standardized evaluation techniques to determine the impacts of peer-teaching on instructor self-efficacy and learner engagement.
Comprehensive school counseling programs need to carefully assess and tailor interventions to meet the student populations’ needs. Unfortunately, the needs of high achieving adolescents in accelerated curricula are often not prioritized in research or practice and many of the universal programs geared towards the general population lack empirical support for their effectiveness with high achieving students.