The Hidden Science of Everyday Careers


Project Rationale

Despite the prevalence of technology and STEM-related advances in the world today, there continues to be a push for more students to select these career paths. It is challenging for STEM educators to keep students engaged as they age. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of focusing on “doing science” instead of “being scientists” on upper elementary students’ attitudes toward science by utilizing action-based syntax, as opposed to identity-based syntax during a career-study unit. This project exposes students to the versatility of scientific skills in different professions with the intent to influence their perceptions of the practicality and applicability of science beyond traditional scientific disciplines.

Project Context

The interventions took place during the weekly STEAM class that students attend with their upper elementary homeroom class at a developmental lab school in South Florida. The elementary STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Math) curriculum is based on grade-level BEST standards related to technology. These standards typically are met by focusing on grade-level science content.

The study was conducted with three fifth-grade classes over seven weeks. The 73 fifth-grade students were divided into three heterogeneous self-contained classes. The grade level was made up of 41 female students and 33 male students.  The student population’s ethnic breakdown was 42% white, non-Hispanic, 22% Hispanic, 20% black, non-Hispanic, 12% Asian or Pacific Islander, and 4% multiracial.

Supportive Literature

Cultivating student interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is crucial for future innovation and workforce preparedness. Research on strategies to boost STEM motivation in elementary school students focuses on the interplay of the value given to career aspirations, student personal interests, and perceived societal influences.

Shin et al. (2019) showcase the power of emphasizing practical applications. Their "utility value intervention" bolstered students' perception of science's relevance and fueled their desire to learn. This finding resonates with Peterson's (2020) work on integrating real-world career exploration into STEM curricula. Exposing students to diverse STEM professionals and their work fosters career aspirations, thereby strengthening motivation and persistence.

Jones and Hite (2021) dive deeper into the "circumscription and compromise theory," explaining how career aspirations arise from navigating personal interests, societal expectations, and perceived opportunities. The authors emphasize the need for educational interventions that address and challenge gender stereotypes often associated with STEM fields, as highlighted by Master (2021). Master's research underscores the detrimental impact of gender stereotypes on girls' STEM motivation, calling for proactive efforts to dismantle these societal biases.

Even subtle language matters. Rhodes et al. (2019) demonstrate how using gender-neutral and encouraging language in science classrooms significantly increased girls' participation. Language describing science as action, rather than in terms of identities, led to more persistence for girls. This finding reinforces the importance of creating inclusive and supportive learning environments that empower all students to explore their STEM potential.

Fostering STEM motivation requires a multifaceted approach that acknowledges the interplay of personal interests, career aspirations, and societal influences. These insights provide a springboard for further research into long-term impact, individual differences, and scaling successful programs. By fostering a love for STEM early on, we can equip future generations with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Research Methods

This study took place over seven weeks in three fifth-grade elementary STEAM classes. The end product for each group of three to four students was a Flip Topic with posts that highlight the “Hidden Science” of a career. Each group received a Google Slide template to guide their research.

To begin the unit, each class reviewed the features and directions of the sample completed template. Students then worked in groups of about four students to complete the template for a career of their choice. Groups were not permitted to duplicate selected careers.

Students joined a Hidden Science Project Flip Group on Each group recorded a minimum of four videos: Types of Jobs for this Career, Career Summary, Questions for an Expert, and Hidden Science in this Career. The videos were shared with professionals for each career. At least one expert recorded video answers to the questions posed by the students for 40 of the 54 careers selected by students.

When all groups completed their Flip Topics, students explored all 54 careers studied by students.

Data Collection

Students completed an exit slip weekly through Google Forms. The questions on the exit slip related to their feelings about the career they were studying and their feelings toward the project as a whole.

Quantitative data was collected from the Likert scale questions from the weekly Exit Slip. Qualitatively, open-response questions from the Exit Slips were tracked for common themes. In addition, the group Flip “Thank You” reflections were also analyzed for common themes.

Survey results related to “a person with this career is a scientist” will be examined to answer the question, “Are there any variations in the perceived societal value of science among upper elementary students when exposed to a curriculum emphasizing the cross-disciplinary applicability of scientific skills compared to a more traditional science education approach?”

Responses to, “A person with this career does science” will be used to answer the question, “How does a curriculum emphasizing the practical application of scientific skills across diverse professional fields impact upper elementary students' attitudes toward the broader relevance and real-world applicability of science in various careers?”

Finally, student answers to questions related to self-efficacy and interest will be examined to measure the extent to which changes in attitudes toward science correlate with students' self-perceived competence in applying scientific skills to address real-world challenges in non-scientific professions.


Question 1:

Are there any variations in the perceived societal value of science among upper elementary students when exposed to a curriculum emphasizing the cross-disciplinary applicability of scientific skills compared to a more traditional science education approach?

While student exit tickets showed a slight increase in how individual groups answered the question “This person is a scientist” from week 1 to week 5, overall students were more inclined to say that “a person with this career does science” at a rating of 3.5 out of 5 than to say “a person with that career is a scientist” with a rating of 2.37 out of 5.

Student open response comments and reflections, however, show changed perspectives. Students were inspired by the experts and their work. They were also motivated by the creativity and dedication that people put into their jobs. One student wrote, “I was inspired by the jobs and how much creativity everybody puts in them. I was so surprised.” This changed their thinking about careers and made them more interested in exploring different options.

Question 2:

How does a curriculum emphasizing the practical application of scientific skills across diverse professional fields impact upper elementary students' attitudes toward the broader relevance and real-world applicability of science in various careers?

The students appreciated learning about the many different types of careers that are available. This helped them to realize that there is a career out there for everyone and that they should keep their minds open to different possibilities.

The project did seem to bring student awareness to the practical applications of science across careers. A student wrote, “My favorite part was watching all of the responses. I was surprised to learn that every job has science in it, I used to think that careers should not use science in them but now I know they do. Just changed my thinking because I realized that there are more careers.”

Question 3:

To what extent do changes in attitudes toward science correlate with students' self-perceived competence in applying scientific skills to address real-world challenges in non-scientific professions?

Exit ticket results regarding personal interest and efficacy found that students were more confident in their ability to do a job with a rating of 3.29 out of 5 than they were in their interest in having that career with a score of 2.99 out of 5.

Many students were surprised to learn that science is used in so many different careers, even ones that they didn't think of as being science-related. This helped them to see science in a new light and realize that it is a relevant and important part of many different fields. Students wrote, “At first I thought that only like scientists and astronauts has science in their jobs. But now I realize that a bunch more jobs have science in them.”


Research acknowledges the interplay of career aspirations, personal interests, and perceived societal influences in STEM career education. Despite pre-existing enthusiasm for their chosen careers, students were genuinely surprised by the extent to which science played a vital role. This underscores a critical point: students often compartmentalize science as a subject confined to textbooks and labs, failing to grasp its pervasive impact across diverse professions. This disconnect can contribute to declining science interest as students age.

These findings emphasize the importance of exposing students to the societal relevance of science in unexpected settings. By demystifying the science behind their dream careers, teachers can ignite curiosity and a newfound appreciation for the subject.  Positive student reflections, despite the project's length, highlight its potential as a motivational tool. One student team wrote, “Overall our thoughts were that the project was fun it just took a little too long, but altogether it was a great experience.” A shorter iteration could be a powerful addition to any STEM classroom, sparking early career exploration and reigniting a passion for science.

Moving forward, educators should consider reframing science education to showcase its practical applications across diverse fields.  By allowing students to connect the dots between their interests and the scientific foundation underlying them, we can foster a generation that sees science not as an isolated subject, but as a powerful tool for shaping their future and the world around them.


Jones, L. K., & Hite, R. L. (2021). A global comparison of the circumscription and compromise

theory of career development in science career aspirations. School Science & Mathematics, 121(7), 381–394.

Master, A. (2021), Gender Stereotypes Influence Children’s STEM Motivation. Child Dev

Perspect, 15: 203-210.

Peterson, B. (2020). Building STEM Career Interest through Curriculum Treatments. Journal of

STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 21(1), 64–73.

Rhodes, Leslie, S.-J., Yee, K. M., & Saunders, K. (2019). Subtle Linguistic Cues Increase Girls’

Engagement in Science. Psychological Science, 30(3), 455–466.mission. Grantee Submission.

Shin, D. D., Lee, M., Ha, J. E., Park, J. H., Ahn, H. S., Son, E., Chung, Y., & Bong, M. (2019).

Science for all: Boosting the science motivation of elementary school students with utility value intervention. Learning and Instruction, 60, 104–116.

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