- Research
- Elementary & Middle School Research
- Elementary & Middle School ResearchUndergraduate ResearchFaculty ResearchOPK-12 Research Committee
- Berlin Family Bioimaging LabWahoo Bay Ocean Sciences & Conservation LabNeuroscience Lab©Simulation Operating Room Lab
Elementary & middle school research
The Florida Atlantic Laboratory Schools Research Program exposes students in grades K-12 to research and scholarly inquiry in a variety of disciplines to ignite their curiosity and create solutions to local, state, national & international problems.
Elementary and middle school students have the opportunity to engage in hands-on, laboratory experiences that are cohesively integrated with their classroom-based learning. These activities are scaffolded for each grade level, targeting their science standards for that year while weaving in new and exciting research connections. As students advance through the curriculum, they build confidence as they learn and apply a variety of scientific skills and reinforce what they’re learning in the classroom.
From the classroom to the laboratories, students are guided through lessons using scientific equipment, such as stereoscopes and balances. More specialized learning occurs within our high-tech imaging lab where students get to use specialized equipment such as a scanning electron microscope, Micro-CT scanner, and more. Each grade, from kindergarten through eighth grade, engages in these labs at least once a quarter, learning important lab skills while covering topics like zoology, geology, botany, and astronomy.
Sample of Curricular Experiences
Students gain laboratory skills alongside their standards-based curriculum covering a large array of topics from constellations and fossils to animal classification and dissections. No matter the topic, our unique labs and resources allow our research team to deliver experiences that exceed standards and provide opportunities to gain unique skills.
Teacher Resources
Science Journal for Kids
Cutting edge peer-reviewed science research adapted for students and teachers. Free scientific articles written for students and approved by scientists. Filter through hundreds of articles by grade level, scientific topic, keyword, NGSS standards and more.
Utilize 3D models via Morphosource, an online repository of 3D data that represents collections of historical, cultural, and scientific objects that can be used in research and education
- Evidence of Evolution – Google Drive folder with lesson materials exploring homologous, analogous, and vestigial structures using 3D models
- Teacher Tutorial for Morphosource
Traveling Trunk ProgramResearch-based trunks that provide engaging marine science and ocean conservation lessons based on sea turtles. Through a partnership with Inwater Research, these trunks provide all necessary materials and lesson plans to teachers for free.
More information and reservations can be found in our request form.